Hey, sorry it's been awhile. Got caught up in life stuff.
One of those things involved signing for mine and Kevin's apartment. Yay! That included having to set up out DTE account for the first time. While I was on DTE's site doing this, I took a look around.
One cool thing that I found is BioGreenGas. They are making clean energy from garbage! How neat!
"Introducing BioGreenGas, a new, voluntary residential program which supports the local development of renewable natural gas by using the methane that arises naturally from landfills. As organic matter decays, methane escapes into the atmosphere as a greenhouse gas. Capturing methane and removing the impurities creates a renewable source of pipeline quality natural gas. We’re leading the US with this program."
DTE customers can help by paying $2.50 a month toward this program. A small fee for a big job.
Here is a video:
Find out more here.
Also I came across DTE's Blog. It's got some neat stuff to check out. I'm gonna add it to the eco links at the bottom as well as right here.
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